Monday, January 12, 2009

A New Year

Now that the holidays have passed and life returns to normal, it appears to be a time to reflect and look forward. Most of all, I am looking forward to a new direction (shall we say "change"?) in Washington. Things have really been the pits over the past eight years: 9/11; endless war; Katrina; an economy in free fall; high fuel prices; unemployment; recession. You name it; it's here. I have long felt that we needed an intelligent and responsible leader in the mold of JFK. I have the feeling we have one in Barack Obama. He appears to be one who is willing to listen to all options and opinions, unlike the "My way or the highway" attitude of Bush and his cronies. I hope and pray that Obama is successful in carrying out his program and that the nation can get back to its former glory and place in the world.

2008 was an eventful year for me. As well as my continued volunteer work with Tidewell Hospice, I was trained and am volunteering as an Ombudsman for the State fo Florida Department of Elder Affairs. What I do in this capacity is inspect nursing homes and assisted living facilities to make sure they are in compliance with Florida law. I also act as an advocate for residents of these facilities to resolve any complaints made, either by the resident or somene on their behalf.

I also greatly enjoyed my stint as Acting Clerk of Sarasota Monthly Meeting of the Society of Friends (Quakers). It was truly a labor of love and gave me a taste of what it is like to clerk a Meeting. I had the support of all in the Meeting which was of great help in getting things done.

I have also discovered the Bradenton Senior Softball League, an eight team league for those of us on the other side of 60. It is great fun, getting out and playing once again. Not having played in the past 14 years, I was a bit rusty but am slowly coming around. League play started today but, unfortunately, we lost both games. Nowhere to go but up from this point.

2008 also had its low points, the lowest being Mom falling and breaking her leg in mid-August. While she has the support of Gene and Maggot, I was able to assist in surveying the rehab facilities in the area, helping to choose the most suitable one for her. I have also checked out the ALFs in the area for when she is ready to be discharged. Unfortunately, it does not look as though she'll be able to return to her apartment. We had a great family reunion in Panama City at Mom's behest. Unfortunately, she was unable to attend as she was back in the hospital during Thanksgiving week. Our son, David, flew down for the week and was able to make it up there with the rest of us. Although Mom couldn't make the party, we took the party to her, squeezing 15 of us into her hospital room for at least some visitation with her.

I am approaching 2009 with much optimism. As noted at the outset of this posting, I am very optimistic about the new beginning in Washington. I hope that the feeling catches on and that, while the crooks who have ruined so much for so many (Ken Lay, Bernie Madoff and their ilk) are uncovered before they do any more damage and that the world is much better for all. This is my prayer.

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