While I slept fairly well, my ass was dragging the ground through the morning, but I had to hit the ground running. First of all, I had to go to the vet's office to retrieve Bosox and Leroy. They meowed all he way home and were so happy to be back in familiar surroundings. Bosox couldn't get enough of me and was sitting on my lap every chance she had. I also had to go to the post office and retrieve the mail. Naturally, there was a good deal of junk mail to go through and recycle. I was still a bit tired but, after a while, I set out to lay in some groceries and a bite to eat. Returning home, I got them put away and sat down (with Bosox on my lap) and took in a Reds-Rockies baseball game. That sitting on my ass did me a world of good.
After resting for a couple of hours and getting energized by Judge Judy, I did the laundry (3 loads), got it all folded and put away just in time to sit down and watch the Saints-Vikings game. While in Madison, I purchased some 7-year old cheddar and enjoyed that while washing it down with some tasty and dry merlot.
Earlier in the day I talked with Pam and we agreed to push the trip down to Miami back to next Wednesday with a return on Thursday. I have a few things scheduled early in the week and this will allow me to get them out of the way without rescheduling anything else. The one regular activity I will have to miss is the monthly lunch with the Quaker men. We usually go to lunch on a mid-month Wednesday and next Wednesday is the day. I'll have to beg off it for this month. In the end, it will even out. 'cause last Spring, I was the only guy to show up for one lunch. I'm sure they'll do well without my presence.
Now, back to the football game (probably with Bosox back on my lap)...
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