Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Finally Connecting the Dots

(Composed on July 12, 2011)
I am sitting at home, right now, getting ready to watch the 2011 All Star Game. A year ago I was sitting at my sister-in-law's house in Seattle doing the same thing. This morning I met with my cardiologist who, in effect, discharged me. I don't have to see him until mid-November. My wife, Pam, was with me and we got to talking about how crappy I felt when watching the All Star Game llast year.

The day before, I went to the Boeing Museum of Flight. I remember getting a veggie wrap for lunch, but felt a bit bloated afterwards, not thinking anything about it. The next day I went to the Boeing Aircraft plant for a tour. I was feeling quite bloated and uncomfortable and, quite honestly, cannot recall if I even ate lunch. I really felt like crap and, as I was leaving, I asked one of the customer service reps if there was a pharmacy nearby. He directed me to one about a mile away, which I stopped at. Asking the pharmacist what he'd recommend for bloating, he suggested Gaviscon, as I recall. I took and chewed about 3 of the tablets and made my way back to Beth's house. That evening I called the Seattle V.A. hospital to get some advice, but was unable to get much. I just sat around and watched the game, uncomfortable though I was.

I had no further problems until early December when Pam and I were in Miami. I had put the Seattle experience completely out of my mind until this morning. In Miami I had the same bloated feeling, only worse this time. Acceding to Pam's wishes, I called 911 and was hospitalized whereupon I was diagnosed with atrial fibrilation. The rest is history.

While discussing matters with my cardiologist, Dr. Akella, this morning Pam brought up the Seattle episode and all of a sudden it hit me--the bloated feeling I had in Seattle was identical to the bloated feeling I had in Miami only not nearly as bad. I have had stomach problems all my life and I simply attributed the bloating to indigestion. Now, I know better.

Anyway, I was given a clean bill of health by Dr. Akella this morning and plan to be much more judicious in my choice of food.

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