Wednesday, January 16, 2013

What's the NRA Afraid Of?

“A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.”  Thus says the Second Amendment.  What it does not say is that the right to keep and bear arms cannot be regulated.  Arch-conservative Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia has even indicated there is the possibility of gun control legislation that could pass the litmus test before the Supreme Court.  Whether it will or not remains to be seen.

The NRA and its minions are adamantly opposed to any gun control legislation.  However, they have no problem with various regulations that have been enacted for the safety of all persons.  Take, for instance, the right to operate a car.  Government requires that there be a minimum age for anyone who wishes to have a driver’s license.  If one does not have a license, it is illegal for that person to drive and there are consequences for that person.  The government can revoke a person’s right to drive a car if that person abuses their driving privileges.  Further, government can prescribe where one can drive—on the right side of the road; not against one-way traffic; and certainly not on a sidewalk.  It can also prescribe what to do upon encountering a stop sign or red light and how fast one can drive in any given area.

Governmental regulations also control, to the best it can, air safety.  It issues airworthiness certificates for any aircraft manufactured and flown within the United States; sets qualifications for pilots, including minimum and maximum ages (for commercial pilots); and institutes regulations and controls over whomever purchases an airline ticket, starting with the first hijackings and on down through the 9/11 attacks.  Everyone who wishes to fly on a scheduled commercial flight must deal with the TSA and be aware of what can and cannot be carried aboard the airplane.

The government also regulates the safety of our lives by promulgating regulations for the licensing of doctors and hospitals; issuing approval for new prescription medications; and food safety, among other things.

Governmental regulation, be it local, state, or national is a part of our everyday lives.  One cannot speed down Main St. in a NASCAR racecar.  One cannot break the sound barrier while flying down the length of Main St.  One cannot hang a shingle out on Main St and legitimately sell snake oil or practice quackery.  So, I ask, what’s the NRA afraid of?  It has grown beyond the scope of promoting gun and hunter safety, into a megalithic organization that sees absolutely no reason to agree with any reasonable regulation of guns, their equipment, their ammunition, or their owners, regardless of the consequences, be it in a crowded movie theater, a crowded bus, or an elementary school.  This I submit is wrong and until we can have some reasonable firearms regulation, starting with background checks on all gun purchasers and limiting the number and types of guns one can purchase, including their ammunition clips, the problem will not go away.  I do not want to take away their guns.  I only want society to be safe for everyone, not just the gun owners.

1 comment:

Craig Faanes said...

Good one Dave. I am so thoroughly fed up with anything and everything to do with guns. The Second Amendment was ratified in 1791 when we had muskets. There was no such thing as a repeating rifle. You had one shot at a time. I'm sure the framers of that amendment were not able to anticipate 100 round clips and automatic rifles and all the other necessities of modern-day squirrel hunting. If it was up to me we would have the same practice they have in America's best friend Israel. There you may own no more than 3 guns on then only if you are a member of a hunting club. You must pass a psychological test every two years in order to keep your gun. In your home the gun must be locked up separate and apart from the ammunition. As several Israeli's said to me while I was there "We don't have children shooting children in our schools like you do in America." The whole world is watching and the whole world is laughing at this gun crazed fanatic country. Ban all guns that hold more than 4 rounds in the magazine. Just ban them. And then limit the purchase of ammunition to 20 rounds at a time and no more than 3 times a year. Something needs to be done and it needs to be done yesterday.