Sunday, June 21, 2015

Mass Murder and the Need for Gun Control

What occurred in Charleston, SC on this Wednesday evening past has once again hurt me to my core.  It is a bit more personal for Pam and me because we lived in Charleston for two years upon my return from Vietnam.  Gun violence and mass murders in today's American society are out of control.  Having grown up  in the 1950's and '60's in the near South and attending college in the South, I have seen what racism can be like.  In the early 1960's I was the head of our church's youth group and one parent threatened to pull  her daughters out of our fellowship had we persisted in inviting black teenagers from a nearby AME church to join us for a get together.  I simply could not get my head around such an attitude IN A CHURCH!!!

But, beyond the racist attitude expressed by the sorry piece of protoplasm that took nine lives on Wednesday, is the fact that we need meaningful gun control legislation consisting, in part, of universal background checks of all who wish to purchase a firearm.  To that end, I have sent the following email to my representatives in Washington, Congressman Vern Buchanan and Senators Bill Nelson and Marco Rubio:

"I am writing you to encourage you to consider either propose or co-sponsor a bill that would require background checks on anyone who wishes to purchase a firearm, be it a rifle, a shotgun, or a handgun. 

"All too often our great country has been saddened at the deaths of innocent people at the hands of those who are more than likely mentally unstable individuals.  From Charles Whitman, to Columbine, to Virginia Tech, to Aurora, to Gabrielle Giffords, to Newtown…  The list goes on.  We are now in a state of grieving the mass murder at a church in Charleston, SC.  While I cannot speak to the mental state of this latest shooter, there may be more to it than simply his expressed hatred of all non-whites.

"How much longer must this go on?  The National Rifle Association has morphed from an educational organization to one of the most powerful lobbying entities in Washington.  Senators and members of Congress are supposed to represent the will of We the People.  Polls tell us—and they should tell you—that we need meaningful gun control legislation, not now but YESTERDAY! 

"I wish to encourage the adoption of reasonable legislation that would require background checks on all who wish to purchase a weapon.  There must be universal background checks on all persons who wish to purchase a firearm, not only from licensed gun dealers, but also at gun shows and in sales between individuals.  Sellers who fail to do background checks should be held accountable for any damage, death, or injury caused by their purchaser.  I believe that this is in accord with the original and clear intent of the Second Amendment to the U.S. Constitution.

"Thank you for your consideration of my views"

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