Never in my life have I been so disgusted with the United States government as I have been lately. The only time prior to this when I have been ashamed was in May 1970 when several Ohio National Guardsmen opened fire, killing and wounding several students at Kent State University. Even though the act was done by “citizen soldiers”, it was the only time I was ashamed to be in a military (USAF) uniform.
I, along with many Americans, have endured Nixon, Reagan, and the Bushes. However, when it comes to Donald Trump—whom I refer to as the so-called President—I cannot tolerate. He is a person on an ego trip who has no concept of concern for others—only for himself. The fact that this slimy specimen of human protoplasm became president is as baffling as it is unbelievable. He spoke to the underbelly of American culture, telling them what they wanted to hear while pissing off those who wanted no part of him or Hillary Clinton. As a result, those who voted for him as well as the many millions who either failed to vote or voted for any other warm body got this prick into the Oval Office.
Events over the past couple weeks have led me to totally renounce the U.S. Government as anything it resembled, even during the Bush II years. Trump pissed off the other G-8 nations by refusing to sign the accord that was primarily authored by the United States. He then met with Kim Jung Un in Singapore—a meeting we all had high hopes for. The result? Giving Kim the status he so craved—to be seen as a legitimate national leader. In addition, Kim got the promise of no more war games with the South Koreans. What did we get in return? Zero; Zip; Nada!!!
What’s next, you ask. No less than a trade war with our biggest trading partners—Canada, China, Mexico, and Japan. Thanks to Trump’s executive orders, we are now in a trade war with our traditional trading partners. Add to this Trump’s backing out of the Iran nuclear deal, we are now seeing rising gasoline prices. Couple this with the trade war and the sonofabitch will end up ruining the American economy while enriching the pockets of his cronies and big business tycoons. Gas prices are already on the rise.
The last straw came with Jeff Sessions’ edict that children of illegal immigrants should and must be separated from their parents. Trump could negate this practice—something which he says he “hates”, but will do nothing other than blame the Democrats for the situation—a bald faced lie!!! The separating of children from their parents is something reminiscent of what the Germans did to the Jews or, even, what we did to the Japanese Americans and the internment camps to which they were subjected during WWII.
Over the past couple seasons at local baseball games, I have declined to remove my cap during the playing of the National Anthem. Being a Quaker, my reasoning has been that, since early Friends wooed not remove their hats for the king, why should I remove mine for a piece of cloth? However, I have now taken that a step further and tonight refused to remove my cap or to even stand for the “Star Spangled Banner”. Instead, I sat, with my elbows on my knees and my head bowed, looking at the floor below.
Until such time as my government makes me feel good about it, this will be my practice. Don’t get me wrong. I am as patriotic as anyone you will ever meet. However, patriotism can be expressed in many ways. This is my way of expressing my sense of patriotism.
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