“…the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.” So says the Second Amendment. It is not as rigid as some would have us believe. The courts have ruled as much.
No one has the right to own a rocket propelled grenade; a surface to air missile; an operational Army tank; an armed fighter jet; nor even a live hand grenade. Why then should anyone have the right to own an assault rifle?
Assault rifles are just that—weapons of war, like those mentioned above. They are used to assault the enemy during times of war. They are meant to kill human beings—not to hunt deer; big game; nor anything else of the like. If one needs an assault rifle to protect their home, they’re either a really bad shot or a really bad person!
A recent Defense Department study showed that since 9/11, 6929 U.S. service personnel have been killed as a result of combat operations. Since the Sandy Hook massacre in late 2012, roughly 7000 children have been killed by gunfire. Think about it: 6929 deaths over 16 years and 6 months vs. 7000 deaths over 5 years and 4 months. When is it going to stop?
Congress has been bought and paid for by the NRA. It’s time that we the people do something about it. What we need is a congress that is not beholden to those who make their money off the deaths of others. They say that all politics is local. Must we wait for a school shooting here on the Suncoast for it to become political for us? I think not. Let’s let our congressmen and senators know we’re not going to take it any more. While we’re at it, we may as well let the governor know. Let’s suggest they all reject any financial support from the NRA if they truly care for their constituents. If they continue to accept NRA money, vote them out or refuse to vote them in.
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