Sunday, September 21, 2008

Clerking Monthly Meeting

Today was a new experence for me--clerking my first Meeting for Business. While it was thought at first to be a daunting task, I found it very easy and things fell right into place. I never doubted my ability to lead a meeting.

If I have one flaw when it comes to meetings, it is to sit in one and have it get off track and wander about. Being one who likes to keep focus on the subject, I was a little concerned that I might be too rigid in keeping discussions focussed on the topic at hand. However, that never occurred; the discussions flowed toward the end and concensus was reached on the topic which was being discussed. There was only one exception though: a discussion was underway relative to a topic which was presented by one of the committees. While it engendered a bit of discussion and questioning, we were unable to reach concensus. As is the Quaker way, the matter was held over for next month's meeting to discuss further and, hopefully, reach a decision agreeable to all.

It should be readily pointed out that, without the love and understanding of the others in the Meeting, I would not have felt as comfortable as I did. Several commented to me at the conclusion of the meeting that I did a wonderful job in conducting the meeting. Several have expressed to me over the past few months how much the appreciate my taking the reins of the Meeting and leading it in Rolf Hanson's absence. As indicated previously, I feel my leadership abilities are finally being recognized by a group of people who do not have their own agendas and who truly wish only the best to come out in me. That is very gratifying, especially when it comes from longtime Quakers who have a much longer experience, both with Quakerism and in life than do I. All I can do is continue to hope that I give my best to the Meeting and keep its best interests paramount.

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