Monday, May 31, 2010

Email to President Obama re: Israel

Dear President Obama:

On this Memorial Day, a day on which we in the United States remember those who gave their lives for our great country, Israeli commandos boarded a ship in international waters that was bringing supplies to Gaza. By any definition, this is an act of war.

Once again, Israel has shown itself to be somewhat of a rogue nation, much in the vein of Iran and North Korea. Turkey has done the right thing in recalling its ambassador to Israel. I would like to suggest that the U.S. do likewise. In addition, all foreign aid to Israel should be suspended until such time as they decide to honor the rules of international diplomacy and decency and not act like the rogue nation they are.

Thank you for your consideration of my position on this matter.


David P. Hilsheimer

May 31, 2010

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