Sunday, June 17, 2018

Reflections on Father's Day - 2018

This morning in Meeting for Worship, one of the women stood and gave a message, reflecting on Father’s Day and how “God the Father” created us all in his image, saying that we all need to be reflections of God in everything we say and do.

I too had been reflecting, but in different terms.  I kept getting the image of a televangelist ranting and raving, putting his hand up to his ear while looking heavenward and pleading, “What’s that God?  You want me to do what???”  If anything, God does not need to be told to speak up or with more clearly!

I have always been somewhat of a spiritual person—especially for the past 30 years or so.  Having gone to a small Methodist college in the Bible Belt of North Carolina, I found myself force fed religion.  In fact, even in high school I had the preposterous idea that I wanted to be a Methodist minister—a notion, thankfully, I put aside because of a positive comment made to me by my high school history teacher, David Turner.  It was upon leaving college that I realized organized religion was not for me.

Anyway, reflecting on my worshipful reverie this morning, I came to realize that I must work harder on reflecting my inner Light.  In doing so, I would hope to engender the inner Light in others—be they Quakers or not—to be the best they could be. I am often praised by others for my volunteerism, be it for hospice or for personal friends.  Muhammad Ali once said, “Service to others is the rent we pay for our space here on Earth”.  I am paying my rent, and if my rent payments inspire others, then I am much the better person for it, as are they…

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