Saturday, September 11, 2010

Peace, Salaam, Shalom

Today, September 11, 2010 is the ninth anniversary of the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon, as well as the crash of United Airlines Flight 93 near Shanksville, PA. It is a day of remembrance of lives lost, both then and as a result of two subsequent wars. As a result of 9/11, there has been much hatred directed toward Muslim--hatred borne of ignorance and prejudice. Unfortunately, a pastor in Gainesville, FL (who shall remain nameless, having garnered his fifteen minutes of fame) was to have a Qur'an burning today. Fortunately, he rethought his actions and decided not to hold his book burning.

I was fortunate and honored to take part in the Interfaith Service of Understanding and Peace, held this evening at the First Presbyterian Church of Sarasota. It was a moving and overflow service drawing on Islam, Judaism, and Christianity. Readings from the Qur'an, the Old Testament, and the New Testament were part of the service. In fact, the most dynamic speaker of the evening was Imam Tarik Al Bouri of the Islamic Center of Sarasota and Bradenton. He was most entertaining in his talk and, in giving some information about the Qur'an, told the gathering that in the Qur'an Jesus is mentioned 25 times (favorably, I might add), while Mohammad is mentioned only 5 times. My small part in the service was reading a part of a larger responsive reading which included people from all three religious traditions.

Hopefully, this and other such services held around the country will lead to a greater understanding and appreciation of all mankind and the various religions that make up this small blue ball we live on. If we can all live in peace and mutual respect, it would be such a wonderful world.

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